Saturday, August 24, 2013

Thru the Bible

I started a new Bible Study with a ministry called "Thru the Bible."
The teaching is by J. Vernon McGee.
He is dead but they just keep playing his teaching on repeat.
Genesis 1 to Revelation 22.
Verse by verse by verse by verse.
It takes 5 years. 20-30 minutes per day.
You can listen to the daily podcast and jump in where they are or go back and find Genesis 1 and start there.
That's what I did.
In the beginning, God created...
Ben is doing it too. He started it first.  I'm copying him. I'm going to try to catch up so we can talk about it together.
3 days down, 4 years and 362 days to go :)

Do you wanna listen? (Genesis 1 starts in April 2011)

p.s. it's free to stream or download. and you can even get his notes & outlines. what a great resource!