It feels risky. Because if you know my goals and I fail, then you'll know that too.
But that's not such a bad thing.
It keeps me honest and real.
No pretending.
My spiritual goal for 2015 was to listen.
Physical Goal for 2015 - exercise 2 days a week.
I didn't start regularly exercising until we moved to Boston and I got pregnant with Emma. I had always been kinda healthy-ish (like, tried to eat more vegetables that dessert) and exercised on and off, but not like when we moved. When I became a SAHM with an 8 month old and got pregnant, living in a new place with no friends, the $40/ month gym membership that included childcare was worth my sanity. Plus I was bored. Not to mention, I'd gained too much weight in my first pregnancy and really didn't want to be that big again. (Note to first time preggo mommas... You are not eating for two. It's harder to lose the extra ice cream weight than it is the regular baby weight. I learned this hard way.)
Last-work-out selfie while preggo with Emma. I quit exercising around 30 weeks. We had an upcoming move and some of my hip/ walking/ symphysis/ pelvic floor pain was getting too intense... not to mention the 3rd floor apartment.
ANYWAY, with 2 littles at home, it's still relatively easy for me to make it to the gym most weeks. (When the gym, the library, and walmart count as "outings" - moms of littles, amiright??)
I've tried exercising at home because we are on a TIGHT Dave-Ramsey-gazelle-intense-debt-pay-down budget, but it doesn't work for me right now. So we've decided we can pay for the gym membership. Maybe some day the routine will change. But for now, 2 days a week, while it may not turn me into a body builder, it will balance out the number of girl scout cookies I've eaten. Maybe. Barely.