overwhelmed with thankfulness. that is my heart's emotion lately.
Today I'm thankful for a small group. When we first got married and started going to The Moody Church in Chicago, we joined a young couple's small group that was really wonderful. It was fun to meet other young newlyweds and get some advice from people who had been married more than 3 months. It was fun to make new friends together. When we decided to move to Lincoln, we prayed & believed God would lead us to a great new small group - a group of young couples to challenge each other spiritually, have fun with, hang out with, enjoy new seasons of life with. We visited a small group last week and REALLY enjoyed it. So, back again we go today. We both think it's the group for us. Friendly, welcoming couples. People we have things in common with and differences to keep things interesting. 6 other couples who love Jesus and seem fun! guess we'll find out. we're going back tonight :)