Addie & I went to Chicago for a little visit. On the way there, someone traded with me and gave me their aisle seat with the one next to them open. I am still grateful to that stranger. We had fun with our friends and family but missed 'daddy.'
Addie played with Grandma Cathy - "GC"

She practiced stacking blocks with GC.
She loves to pretend to knock them down and then say "no no no." And then giggle and knock them down for real.
the pace of the trip was fairly relaxed which was nice for some extra morning snuggles.
When we got home, there were lots of kisses for dad.
and snuggles
Adelyn is in a 'daddy' phase. It is so precious. She gets SO excited to see him when he comes home or comes into a room. She points to his picture in the house a lot and says "daddy bye bye" when he's at school. If he is working at home and has the bedroom door closed, she'll sometimes sign 'please' by the door and knock. [These are the things that regularly bring me to tears, people. Hashtag-pregnancy-hormones.] She loves to play games with him & have me read her all the 'daddy' board books in the house. Like this one and this one which are two of our favorites.
Nothing melts my heart more than seeing my husband and his sweet girl together.