Wednesday, June 27, 2012

june in pictures

we celebrated my FIL's (father-in-law's) 50th birthday. 50 beers for 50 years.
 the celebration continues... we planted 50 trees.

This beautiful couple tied the knot!

This beautiful couple is next :) we love hanging out with them!

Looking tired and pregnant good at said wedding celebration

with one of my best friends in the whole wide world (who happens to become an aunt today- the best friend that is!)

This sweet friend turned 24!

our first time playing mini-golf together (weird- how have we not done this?) my brother was with us, but he's not in the picture. 

we've played lots of Settlers of Catan...

ben and I like to play (christmas) sequence

Ben and I also like to get ice cream at Ivanna cone.

i got a new planner today... eeeeek!!!! (i LOVE getting a new planner. and it only happens once per year.)  have you ever seen a horizontal one? i haven't. it's pretty small and about $7 at target :)

isn't the inside fabulous!? vertical lists for each day are so much more convenient.

this is my current read. i'm on page 55 out of 759.

when i got the planner, i had to get these pretty file folders. they were calling my name. i'm so excited to begin organizing for school! (i still love school supplies... don't you?)

good morning. our grass is so happy now.

what have you been doing in june?