"Oh, it goes so fast" - said every stranger over the age of 50 in public who converses to me when i am out with my kids. ever.
I always smile politely and nod, mumbling some sort of happy, agreeable, socially acceptable norm. But, you know what, they are right. It seemed like overnight, Emma was crawling [yes, crawling] & Addie was talking in sentences. Paragraphs. Novels, really. That girl can talk. (She gets that from her dad.) #sarcasm. My inlaws had the girls overnight recently, and when we came to pick them up, we stayed for dinner. (Good deal, right? Here, watch my kids for 36 hours, and then upon my return, you make me and said children dinner? I'll take it!) Addie was done before the adults and was allowed to get down. She wandered away from the table singing her ABCs and talking to the dogs. My father-in-law said, "she did that the whole time she was here. All day, she just walked around singing and talking." My little extrovert.
So without further adieu, some things we've been up to, in pictures of course.
August & September.
this child loves to play with a ball. our sidewalk is on a slight incline. emma and i would sit on the porch steps and watch addie chase the ball down the incline, then kick & throw it back up the incline. this particular pink ball just appeared in our yard one day. we left it for a couple days in case another neighborhood kid had lost it. no one claimed it, so Addie started playing with it. a couple days later, a neighbor kid came across the street and claimed it as his own. Addie was bummed. She would ask about it every day. Finally, we took a trip to Target and picked out a new one for her, with cars on it.

the second from the left below shows the inevitable result when you dress your kids in cute clothes one time and then try to photograph it to post on social media so the world knows thinks you don't neglect your kids.
for a long time,
Addie's favorite activity
was reading to Emma
"addie pick bow" "wash elmo" serious baking evening walks
breakfast selfie.
ben and i had our first ever mini golf date.
"addie pump milk emma"
God bless the neighbor who had his driveway re-cemented, providing this tired momma's toddler with hours of entertainment.
and because only these children's grandparents would like to see more photos of our past 6 months, we'll call today a wrap. Next up in the "Whatcha been doing? series - Fall."